Data visualisation task for pro-iBiosphere
by David King* (Open University), Jeremy Miller (Naturalis), Guido Sautter (Plazi), Serrano Pereira (Naturalis)
Inspired by Pensoft's development in electronic publishing workflows, in combination with marked-up texts generated using GoldenGATE, Jeremy Miller (Naturalis) devised the design for a dashboard to visualise treatment data with the aim of better understanding that data and assisting with its quality control. Ultimately, Jeremy's vision would make it be possible to offer a kind of reverse Biodiversity Data Journal, resurrecting primary data from marked-up legacy literature for aggregation and re-analysis. Our challenge in the recent pro-iBiosphere hackathon, excellently hosted by Naturalis, was to craft a prototype to extract and display the data for Jeremy's dashboard.
Working with GoldenGATE's author, Guido Sautter, enabled us to immediately refine one weakness of the original design: rather than process exported GoldenGATE marked-up text to extract statistical data, we could have GoldenGATE extract it for us and make that data available for export. Hence, GoldenGATE's functionality was extended and a new API service made freely available at http://plazi.cs.umb.edu/GgServer/srsStats for us to use, and for anyone else to use who wishes to explore this statistical data. Some solid visualisation work by Serrano Pereira, a recent recruit to Naturalis, using the established frameworks jQuery, jqPlot and jVectorMap saw the exported data rendered into the form Jeremy envisaged.
A version of the demonstrator produced during the hackathon is currently available at http://plazi.byobu.info/, courtesy of Plazi, a pro-iBiosphere partner. We look forward to refining and enhancing the existing demonstrator in-line with feedback from Jeremy and other users, and from its presentation at pro-iBiosphere's final event in June.
Jeremy's original concept for the dashboard is available from https://github.com/Dauvit/Data_enrichment/tree/master/data_visualisation/use_case.
The code for GoldenGATE can be downloaded from https://code.google.com/p/goldengate-tools/.
The documentation for GoldenGATE's statistical export service is available from https://github.com/Dauvit/Data_enrichment/blob/master/data_visualisation/Stats_queries_HOWTO.md.
The code for the demonstrator dashboard can be downloaded from https://github.com/Dauvit/Data_enrichment/tree/master/data_visualisation.